Just to bring us up to date, here are a few Soviet bits and bobs I painted up for Battle Group Kursk.
We have:
A brace of Katyushas from Zvezda...
...a command truck and Gaz jeeps from QRF. This are not exactly a joy to put together, but nobody else makes them as far as I know.
In contrast, here's a very nice little model of a SU-76 from Skytrex. I already had two of these, so now I have enough for a battery in BGK.
Next, a Skytrex Lend-Lease White Scout Car, and the unit of infantry it carries.
And finally, this is a resin knocked-out T34/85 from Peter Pig. Despite the inevitable compromises with detail this is a nice little model, which will act as an objective marker for Battle Group: Fall of the Reich.
So what's next for BGK? Really, apart from doing up more infantry, I now have a lot of gear for German and Soviet battlegroups. I think my focus will soon start drifting towards doing some Brits for Fall of the Reich, especially as I just picked up a bunch of Skytrex figures that Mick at Micks Metal Models was getting rid of. But I have a decision to make: Should my British battlegroup use Shermans, Cromwells or Churchills? Opinions welcome!